Formalising your Property Settlement Agreement

Property Law

Should you and your former spouse or de-facto partner be able to reach an agreement, there are two ways in which a property settlement agreement can be formalised.

The first is by way of an Application for Consent Orders which is submitted to the Family Court for approval.

The second is by way of a binding Financial Agreement setting out the terms of your settlement, and in respect of which each party will require independent legal advice.

You can also enter into a binding Financial Agreement setting out the terms of your settlement in the event of separation prior to or during your marriage or de-facto relationship.

Lotus Legal’s particular interest in the laws concerning such binding Financial Agreements can provide you with certainty in how your property and finances will be divided in the event of your separation from a spouse or de facto partner.

Give us a call on (08) 9350 9529 if you’d like to discuss this further.